Defined in header <fkYAML/node.hpp>
template <typename, typename...> class SequenceType = std::vector,
template <typename, typename, typename...> class MappingType = std::map,
typename BooleanType = bool,
typename IntegerType = std::int64_t,
typename FloatNumberType = double,
typename StringType = std::string,
template <typename, typename = void> class ConverterType = node_value_converter>
class basic_node;
This class provides features to handle YAML nodes.
Template Paramters
- node - default specialization
Member Types
Node Value Types
Name |
Description |
sequence_type |
The type used to store sequence node value containers. |
mapping_type |
The type used to store mapping node value containers. |
boolean_type |
The type used to store boolean node values. |
integer_type |
The type used to store integer node values. |
float_number_type |
The type used to store float number node values. |
string_type |
The type used to store string node values. |
Container Types
Name |
Description |
value_converter_type |
The type used to convert between node and native data. |
initializer_list_t |
The type for initializer lists of basic_node values. |
node_t |
(DEPRECATED) The type used to store the internal value type. |
yaml_version_t |
(DEPRECATED) The type used to store the enable version of YAML. |
map_range |
The helper type for the map_items() function. |
const_map_range |
The helper type for the map_items() function. |
Member Functions
Name |
Description |
(constructor) |
constructs a basic_node. |
(destructor) |
destroys a basic_node, deallocating internal storage if used. |
operator= |
assigns values to the basic_node. |
mapping |
(static) |
constructs a basic_node with a mapping container. |
sequence |
(static) |
constructs a basic_node with a sequence container. |
alias_of |
(static) |
constructs a basic_node with an anchor node. |
Inspection for Node Value Types
Name |
Description |
get_type |
returns the type of a node value in a basic_node. |
type |
(DEPRECATED) returns the type of a node value in a basic_node. |
is_sequence |
checks if a basic_node has a sequence node value. |
is_mapping |
checks if a basic_node has a mapping node value. |
is_null |
checks if a basic_node has a null node value. |
is_scalar |
checks if a basic_node has a scalar node value. |
is_boolean |
checks if a basic_node has a boolean node value. |
is_integer |
checks if a basic_node has an integer node value. |
is_float_number |
checks if a basic_node has a float number node value. |
is_string |
checks if a basic_node has a string node value. |
Name |
Description |
deserialize |
(static) |
deserializes the first YAML document into a basic_node. |
deserialize_docs |
(static) |
deserializes all YAML documents into basic_node objects. |
operator>> |
deserializes an input stream into a basic_node. |
serialize |
(static) |
serializes a basic_node into a YAML formatted string. |
serialize_docs |
(static) |
serializes basic_node objects into a YAML formatted string. |
operator<< |
serializes a basic_node into an output stream. |
get_value |
converts a basic_node into a target type. |
get_value_inplace |
converts a basic_node into a target type and write it to a destination. |
get_value_or |
tries to convert a basic_node into a target type. returns a default value if conversion fails. |
as_seq |
get reference to the sequence node value. |
as_map |
get reference to the mapping node value. |
as_bool |
get reference to the boolean node value. |
as_int |
get reference to the integer node value. |
as_float |
get reference to the float node value. |
as_str |
get reference to the string node value. |
get_value_ref |
(DEPRECATED) converts a basic_node into reference to a target type. |
Name |
Description |
begin |
returns a (const) iterator to the beginning of mapping/sequence |
cbegin |
returns a const iterator to the beginning of mapping/sequence |
end |
returns a (const) iterator to the past-the-last of mapping/sequence |
cend |
returns a const iterator to the past-the-last of mapping/sequence |
rbegin |
returns a (const) iterator to the first of reversed mapping/sequence |
crbegin |
returns a const iterator to the first of reversed mapping/sequence |
rend |
returns a (const) iterator to the past-the-last of reversed mapping/sequence |
crend |
returns a const iterator to the past-the-last of reversed mapping/sequence |
map_items |
returns a range of mapping entries, allowing access to iterator member functions in range-based for loops. |
Inspection for Container Node Values
Name |
Description |
contains |
checks if a basic_node has the given key. |
empty |
checks if a basic_node has an empty container. |
size |
returns the size of a container value of a basic_node. |
Accessors for Container Elements
Name |
Description |
operator[] |
accesses an item specified by the key/index. |
at |
accesses an item specified by the key/index with bounds checking. |
Lexicographical Comparison Operators
Manipulations for Node Properties
Name |
Description |
is_alias |
checks if a basic_node is an alias node. |
is_anchor |
checks if a basic_node is an anchor node. |
add_anchor_name |
registers an anchor name to a basic_node object. |
get_anchor_name |
gets an anchor name associated with a basic_node object. |
has_anchor_name |
checks if a basic_node has any anchor name. |
add_tag_name |
registers a tag name to a basic_node object. |
get_tag_name |
gets a tag name associated with a basic_node object. |
has_tag_name |
checks if a basic_node has any tag name. |
Manipulations for Document Properties
Name |
Description |
swap |
swaps the internally stored data |