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fkYAML is a C++ header-only YAML library.
If you want portability & development speed-up, fkYAML is the way to go.
No need to build a library only for a third party project.
You can add YAML support into your projects by just including header files where it's needed.

Design Goals

There are a lot of YAML libraries out there, and each may have its reason to exist.
fkYAML has been developed with these design goals:

💼 Portable

The whole code depends only on C++ standards, and is carefully designed to work on many platforms so that fkYAML can be imported into existing C++ projects written in C++11 or better.
No external dependencies, no sub-project, or no additional compiler flags are required.
Although fkYAML is a library with multiple header files by default, you can use the single-header version located in the single_include directory.
Furthermore, the project supports CMake and provides the documentation exclusively for CMake integration.
Those characteristics allow existing C++ project using CMake for builds to quickly incorporate YAML support with just a little effort.

📝 Well Documented

The documentation provides plenty of information so that users can understand what fkYAML is and what they can achieve with fkYAML.
For instance, the tutorial pages show how you can read/write/customize fkYAML to handle YAML documents while creating a simple C++ project using CMake.
More detailed, exclusive descriptions with example usages for each fkYAML API are available in the API reference pages.

🔍 Heavily Tested

The fkYAML library has been unit-tested and covers 100% of lines and conditions of the codebase. (You can see the actual coverage here.)
We check with Valgrind and the Clang Sanitizers that there are no runtime issues such as memory leak.
Furthermore, the quality of our codebase has been checked with Clang-Tidy and CodeQL.
GitHub Actions workflows run against every commit pushed on the main & develop branches to ensure that the fkYAML library can be successfully built/tested with a variety of compilers and C++ standards.
See the supported compilers section for more details.