Defined in header <fkYAML/node.hpp>
template <typename T, typename ValueType = detail::remove_cvref_t<T>>
T get_value() const noexcept(
noexcept(ConverterType<ValueType>::from_node(std::declval<const basic_node&>(), std::declval<ValueType&>()))); // (1)
template <typename BasicNodeType>
BasicNodeType get_value() const; // (2)
This function converts a fkyaml::basic_node
to either
- a compatible value (copy-constructible and default-constructible)
The function is equivalent to executing
This library implements conversions from a node to a number of STL container types and scalar types. (see the notes down below)
Note that ValueType cannot be either a reference, pointer or C-style array type exceptstd::nullptr_t
since safe conversion is impossible with such types.
If you want to convert a node into a C-style array, consider using theget_value_inplace
function instead. - a fkyaml::basic_node object
The function is equivalent to executing
Actual conversions rely on the node_value_converter
This API makes a copy of the value, and if the copying costs too much, or if you need an address of the original value, then you should call one of the following functions instead.
* as_seq
* as_map
* as_bool
* as_int
* as_float
* as_str
Convert from a Sequence Node
This library implements conversions from a sequence node to a number of STL container types whose element type is not a key-value pair. The implementation can be used for custom container types, but they need to have both iterator
member type and insert()
member function. The test suite confirms successful conversions to the following types.
- Sequence Containers
- Associative Containers for Keys
- Unordered Associative Containers for Keys
- Container Adapters
- Others
Note that the above types cannot be converted from a non-sequence node, which results in throwing a type_error.
Convert from a Mapping Node
This library implements conversions from a mapping node to STL container types whose element type is a key-value pair. The implementation can be used for custom container types, but they need to have key_type
, mapped_type
and value_type
member types and emplace()
member function. The test suite confirms successful conversions to the following types.
- Associative Containers for Key-Value Pairs
- Unordered Associative Containers for Key-Value Pairs
- std::unordered_map
- std::unordered_multi_map (unordered associative containers for key-value pairs)
Convert from a Null or Numeric Scalar Node
If the YAML node value is a null, boolean, integer or floating point, this function internally executes type conversion according to the following rules which all depend on the template paramter type T
- If the YAML node value is a null (node_type::NULL_OBJECT), the value can be converted to:
(floating point)
- If the YAML node value is a boolean (node_type::BOOLEAN), the value can be converted to:
1 /*true*/
or0 /*false*/
(integer)1.0 /*true*/
or0.0 /*false*/
(floating point)
- If the YAML node value is a integer (node_type::INTEGER), the value can be converted to:
true /*non-0*/
orfalse /*0*/
ed floating point value (floating point)
- If the YAML node value is a floating point (node_type::FLOAT), the value can be converted to:
true /*non-0*/
orfalse /*0*/
ed integer value (integer)
Note that those scalar type cannot be converted to a sequence, mapping, string scalar, which results in throwing a type_error
Convert from a String Scalar Node
String scalar nodes can be converted to STL container types which can be constructible from const fkyaml::basic_node::string_type&
(const std::string&
by default). The test suite confirms successful conversions to the following types.
- std::string
- std::string_view (from C++17)
Convert as an optional value
Since C++17, std::optional can be used as ValueType
to indicate the conversion result to be optional. In such cases, a returned std::optional value contains a value only if the conversion was successful, or std::nullopt
Template Parameters¶
- T
- A compatible value type which might be cv-qualified or a reference type.
- ValueType
- A compatible value type.
This is, by default, a type of std::remove_cvref_t.
If fkYAML is compiled with C++11, C++14 or C++17, fkYAML uses its own implementation. - BasicNodeType
- A basic_node template instance type.
Return Value¶
A compatible native data value converted from the basic_node object.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <fkYAML/node.hpp>
int main() {
// create sequence nodes.
fkyaml::node seq = {true, false};
fkyaml::node seq2 = {123, 3.14, "foo"};
// get the node values
// to std::vector
auto bool_vec = seq.get_value<std::vector<bool>>();
for (auto b : bool_vec) {
std::cout << std::boolalpha << b << " ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
// to std::tuple
auto tpl = seq2.get_value<std::tuple<int, float, std::string>>();
std::cout << std::get<0>(tpl) << " ";
std::cout << std::get<1>(tpl) << " ";
std::cout << std::get<2>(tpl) << "\n\n";
// create a mapping node.
fkyaml::node map = {
{0, "foo"},
{1, "bar"},
{2, "baz"},
// get the node values
// to std::unordered_map
auto umap = map.get_value<std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::string>>();
for (auto& p : umap) {
std::cout << p.first << " : " << p.second << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// create scalar nodes.
fkyaml::node n = 1.23;
fkyaml::node n2 = "foo";
// get the node value (value gets copied).
auto float_val = n.get_value<float>();
auto str_val = n2.get_value<std::string>();
std::cout << float_val << std::endl;
std::cout << str_val << std::endl;
// Numeric scalar value can be converted to other numeric types inside get_value().
auto bool_val = n.get_value<bool>();
auto int_val = n.get_value<int>();
std::cout << std::boolalpha << bool_val << std::endl;
std::cout << int_val << std::endl;
// specifying incompatible type throws an exception
try {
auto float_val = n2.get_value<float>();
catch (const fkyaml::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;