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Defined in header <fkYAML/ordered_map.hpp>


    typename Key, typename Value, typename IgnoredCompare = std::less<Key>,
    typename Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, Value>>>
class ordered_map : public std::vector<std::pair<const Key, Value>>;

A minimal map-like container which preserves insertion order.
This documentation only describes APIs which are not of the parent class std::vector<std::pair<const Key, Value>>.

How is this class useful?

This class could be useful in case that the order of insertion in YAML mapping nodes needs to be preserved.
This is because the YAML specification recommends that a sequence of mappings should be used in such cases, since YAML mapping nodes are defined as unordered sets of key-value pairs.
However, the above recommendation with a sequence of key-value pair does not work so efficiently on the application layer because it cannot be a direct representation of the deserialization result and could also break the original order when the deserialized node is serialized again.
The ordered_map class is thus provided to help resolve those issues.

Template Parameters

Template parameter Description Derived type
Key type for keys key_type
Value type for values mapped_type
IgnoredCompare placeholder type for key comparisons -
Allocator type for allocators -

Member Types

Name Description
key_type The type for keys.
mapped_type The type for values.
Container The type for internal key-value containers.
value_type The type for key-value pairs.
iterator The type for non-constant iterators.
const_iterator The type for constant iterators.
size_type The type for size parameters used in the class.
key_compare The type for comparison between keys.

Member Functions


Name Description
(constructor) constructs an ordered_map.
(destructor) destroys an ordered_map.

Element Access

Name Description
at forces to accesses an element with the given key.
operator[] accesses an element with the given key.


Name Description
emplace emplaces a new key-value pair if the new key does not exist.


Name Description
find finds a value associated to the given key.